Friday, December 3, 2010

Trekking For A Cause - The Charity Challenges at Munnar !!

The Munnar Trek ......the fascinating terrain beckons.....

The Team Kalypso was was busy in the last few days with two trekking challenges in the Western Ghats at Munnar.

The aim: To support two very noble causes – Concern Worldwide and Hike For Hope. The trekkers most from the UK & some of them in their 80’s, were on hand to trek through the gruelling mountain trails. What made the trip memorable was pelting rain, leeches (!) and of course the spectacular sceneries. It was indeed a sight to see the groups of nearly 100 trekkers negotiating this trail within a few days of each other. The camping was done at locations with panoramic views of the Western Ghats - with high altitude evergreen forests (the shola forests) , rolling grasslands, deep crevices and myriad mountain streams, pools and waterfalls – indeed a magical world of pure natural beauty!

The start of the challenge....

Starting off on the trek to the Anaerangal Lakeside, soon found a group of local school children in animated conversation with them - language not being a barrier. After some good walking, soon reached the lakeside camp - locally called Antony's Camp.

Second day....

The Kolukumalai Tea Estate is the world's highest tea estate. Established in the 18th Century, the tea estate and the factory were the first stop on the second day of the trek. After an interesting interlude at the factory, the trekkers were off through the tricky trail to the Bottom Station near Kurangini. The rain which pelted down was of no consequence and all made it to the camp well in time for a campfire and a great Indian dinner.

The Third day....

The real Challenge started the next day with a steady climb of over 3500 ft ! Following the old tea worker's trail, the trek wound its way through grasslands and montane forests to Top Station - where the old ropeway had its 'Top' station. The trek lasted the full day and by evening everyone was in the camp - tired and awaiting the excitement of the next day's Challenge.

The Fourth day's challenge...

The most difficult part of the calimb was to come today - a 15-km trek - challenging and through spectacular mountain scenery.

The forests and grasslands constantly crisscrossed by mountain streams gurgling down to the plains below and myriad water falls of all descriptions, till the team reached the valley of the rododendrons where the camp was set up for the night.

The climb to the summit...

The last day of the trek took the trekkers to Meesapulimala, the second highest peak, south of the Himalayas ! A great feeling of triumph for having endured (and enjoyed !) five days of the most difficult terrain of the Western Ghats - all for a great cause!!

Dramatis Personae (Team Kalypso)

Roheen (Trek leader) & Ravi (camp 'boss' at Top Slip)

Hari, Vishnu, Jerin, Vasant, Manoj, Antony

At the 'Finsh Line' & Packing up !

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